I’m blogging for the first time ever! This is very exciting for me. I thought people might want to come on the journey with me through my professional running career. The ups and the downs and everything I learn from each experience. If you would have told me even 3 weeks ago that I was going to sign with an agent (Charisma Sports Management), Sign a contract with Brooks through 2012 and then go on a week later to get 6th at the outdoor U.S. championships; I would have said okay where do I sign! Well, that is exactly what happened, a whirlwind of events that boosted me into the professional running world at a fast pace. USA’s was a bit of a mental battle for me, going home to the Drake stadium full of fans that knew exactly who I was and knew every piece of my story. I was there to achieve my ultimate goals that coach Kepler and I had set way back in December of last year, placing in the top 6 at these prestigious championships. Everything I had achieved along this years journey was just icing on the cake and I was definitely very hungry for more. 6th place was exactly what I achieved although not exactly in the easiest way. This was my first time ever to have a prelim/final situation. I had done mini practices that should have set me up to do well but ultimately my confidence had been broken down by a situation the week prior to the championships and I for some reason gave into it and didn’t fight the negative emotional battle that was placed in front of me.
When I got the call that I had been accepted into the Pre Classic to run the steeple I jumped at the opportunity. I realistically knew what potentially the race would look like with gold, silver and bronze medalists from last year’s world championships in the race. I also knew I was ready to take the plunge and yet find myself in another battle as a professional! My approach to the race was, “wow, what a wonderful opportunity I have placed in front of me to run super fast and face some confidence issues…” I knew I had nothing to lose but so much to gain from it all. I had run 10:03 and change 3 times this season, plus a 10:02 and a 10:09 on a bad day. So I figured I would run with the women as long as I could hang on and by that point in the race I should be able hang on until the end. I also knew that I had to find that person in myself that I had lost in the last 2 races because that was not me. I surrounded myself with positive people, positive thoughts and refocused my attention to regain that poise I had been running with all year.
Race day had finally come and I was more than ready for the challenge. I knew I had to stay calm and remember everything I had done in past races that would help culminate a much needed confidence boost for this day. I felt very calm and collected the entire day. I had put in so much work this year, there was no way I wasn’t ready. As I warmed up I found that overwhelming feeling of peace I try and find before every race. I knew at that point that I would be fine. This feeling helps remind me of exactly why I run and race; because I love it! The time had finally come to make our final decent onto historic Hayward field to run in the fastest meet held on U.S. soil this year. I couldn’t look around at the sold out crowd I just stayed focused on the task at hand; to run faster than I’ve ever ran before this point. That’s just what I did. Finally breaking 10 minutes! I never let the gap that slowly emerged in the race discourage me. I knew what I was trying to do and I also knew what the rest of the women were trying to do. After the race I was left hungry for more, so badly do I want to be with that next group. I do however know that it may take me another year but am not opposed to the idea of my travels over seas to produce this effort either.
I realize my reaction to my race may lead people to think that I was unhappy with my effort. That is not it at all! I’ve PRed in the steeplechase by 32 seconds alone this year, I’m just not ready to reflect and be happy with just that. For now though I am off to Europe to race! More details will be coming later! You will be seeing me in anything from 800 to a 5k race, get excited!!
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